A little about me!

hey! i realy really do not kno wot to say!!! tryin to do sumthing worthwhile!!!!!!!what it is, have not figured it out yet..its weird! as if now wid an ad agency!!! a office savvy..literally working my ass off....

i know joining servicing is a bad idea!!!

Huh!! i know joining servicing is a bad idea!!

The day i joined agency, i thought i can be a good writer....
two months rolled i flipped into servicing... man servicing is a bad idea!!
Is it??? Client Servicing...
As we all know, Client Servicing is a job full of pressure. They are often accompanied with Competing agendas, Confusing lines of Communication & Control and Crude Designs. Sometimes we're not even sure who is our client. Few times there are three, and sometimes there are ten. It can get confusing, it can get messy. So we want you to know, right away, these are where our priorities lie in any project.

1 - The first comes to mind is, We're completely committed to create the best of work that's possible.
2 - We are honest and we are not going to lie
3 - We are absolutely committed to you and your needs
4 - Finally, we are committed to getting your project done on time and on budget.

huh, its pretty difficult for you to believe???
Okie!! But as an agency we would not say you all the things.

The Agencies never give the client what they want, We always work to give you what you need!
I'm always proud to be in agencies. Always i would happily say, agency career is fascinating as always. Whenever i happen to see some creative, i end up in saying, "hoo! we can always to better work than them!" I never thought advertising is a bad idea. Its not the matter of creativity, but the matter of creating within the context..

Creativity is not only the advertising is all about. There's always lot of thinking is involved behind a small work. but the spineless clients, Inferiors or Superiors. And many a great idea, or path breaking campaign is suffocated in endless, senseless meetings. Being a servicing person i try to sell the creatives, Inspite of all bull shits. But the bottom line is advertising, hard hard working. I'm proud to be in advertising.



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