A little about me!

hey! i realy really do not kno wot to say!!! tryin to do sumthing worthwhile!!!!!!!what it is, have not figured it out yet..its weird! as if now wid an ad agency!!! a office savvy..literally working my ass off....

Damn!! Searching for creative being in an agency!!

Advertising, the world of creations is dead!! i don't know when people will understand the creativity. the one who does, all that clients says will fall, the one does the opposite of all, also falls. But damn if agencies are not able to sell the creative designed by them, then whats the use of being in creative field???

oh man!! Ego!! where does it plays role in creative? if you are a designer you know about designing! servicing, then your are meant to service only!! throwing your thoughts in layout, design, copy, art; hell its is!! its not a fantasy as you mean! the 10 secs creative, takes 10 long days to run!! this is acceptable. But in ten long days, till ninth day changing the concept and last day doing something which is not worth at all!! will not help!!

I started hating this! You are not asked to compromise your wealth!! but why cant you do justice to your profession?? I knew many will accept this. As people outside will know, ad agencies are happy to work! only to think!! but here, we will think of a concept. But when i write a line and show it to client, his thoughts turns to be my second line!! meeting client.. Bull shit every one's thought will turn into a line! and at last, the written concept is no more mine! But the only one i have is the copyrights!! It is done my me?? it is ridiculous!!

What ever client says we should not reject! but take what is possible and leave what not possible by explaining them!! if you do what all your client says and you satisfy your present client, it means that you are keeping the one client and leaving other two new clients!! Always you should not speak about your creative.. your works should speak about your creativity and talent!!

But don't know when this will happen.. but still there are agencies which look for their creative, they stand out!! But many agencies are not!! I don't when this situation will change!!
I faced a situation where no need of clients to change the job, within agency itself the changes will happen!! Finally it will be not design what was created!! i saw people who does DTP works in the name of designer!! how painful that is?? its like killing one's new born child!! If you be in position only you will know the pain!!
Please people let the creative people to think and do their creative, you can be a top person in an agency, but it is not that you know everything. if you have years of experience in creative, you can be better creator not the seller, if you are a servers you can be a better seller!! Please people Critics on the creative is what we need!! please don't redesign the whole job in the name of changes!! Do understand Creator's mind!! We do our job for money!! but at the end of the day we leave without happiness!! job satisfaction is the only one which can take you to heights!! you are giving us wealth and compromising our talent and dignity!!


Manivannan Sadasivam said...

Rumblings of a creative mind. I perfectly understand. Hope there is no inside story :)

pritha said...

ha ha ha!! actually there is a inside story..

i wrote this to show out my anger..
at least the people who read this understand the pain of the creative people!! that was my intention..

but don't know when people will understand the pain! praying for that to happen soon!!

Anyways thanks for the comments!!
keep checking out!!

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